Here at Learning Economy, we’re dedicated to offering the public the most helpful, informative and groundbreaking financial advice. If you’re a fellow finance blogger and would like to contribute to Learning Economy, please get in touch!
We want to share as much financial knowledge with the world as possible, from personal financial advice to money saving tip, investment guidance, and business finances, we welcome all ideas in order to help our readers learn economy.
We’re looking for unique content contributors who are passionate about producing well researched and detailed posts on finance.
The ideal writer should be;
- Passionate about empowering reader to take control of their finances
- Be able to provide educational economy advice to both beginners and finance savvy individuals
- Be capable of producing well-researched articles
- Able to produce content which is at least 500 words long and of fantastic quality
Guest Post Topic Ideas:
- Debt Advice
- Investments
- Insurance
- Cryptocurrency
- Student Finance
- Budgeting & Saving
- ISAs
- Credit Cards & Loans
- Sales & Marketing
- Finance & Leasing
As with everything, there are a few rules I’d like you to follow before submitting your guest post, this just helps me to make sure everything is as perfect as possible.
- All guest posts submitted should be at least 500 words in length
- All guest posts should be 100% original and not hosted on any other website, blog or publication
- Facts presented should be true and all opinions must be your own
- Content should align with current content on Learning economy which can be anything to do with business
If you can meet the criteria above and would like to get involved by sending us a guest post, then please fill out the form below and submit your blog post for review.
I do like a bit of feedback for my site. Feedback can always help me improve my site and make it better than ever! So, if you have a problem with my site or you just want to tell me some advice on how to make it better then I am always willing to listen and take in what you told me into account.
With technology, I am going to experience some problems sometimes. If a technical issue is what you experience on my site, then please do let me know! Letting me know these things can help me fix my site and give you the best experience when you are on my site.
Maybe you don’t have an issue, maybe you just want to talk. Talking is always a good way to get tips and advice and I do like giving you those tips!
I do look forward from hearing from you!