An opinion published in the Telegraph newspaper on the 7th of October 2018 argues that many small businesses in the UK are struggling to grow. A recent study by the British Business Bank, said the newspaper, found that whilst a third of businesses want to expand and grow, they did not know how to...
How Do Energy Prices Affect the Financial Sector?
It may not seem obvious, but energy and financial sectors have more in common than most would think. Whilst both operate in different ways, they both have a unique relationship which can often have an impact on other markets around the world.
The Ultimate Financial Jargon Buster
If you’ve ever found yourself scanning the myriad of financial websites on the internet and wondering what half the information on the page actually means, you’re certainly not alone. In the world of finance, there is more jargon than most people would consider healthy, and it can often be difficult to decipher its true...
Money and Your Mental Wellbeing
There is a strong link between financial issues and mental health. Managing finances can become difficult at times, causing stress and as these money worries increase, it can have a negative mental impact. Poor mental health can then make managing money harder and so it becomes a cycle. There are ways to break this...
Top 5 Reasons People Apply for Check Advances
The days when you had to go to the bank, sit to fill out the application, then go home holding your breath for the phone call that would tell you whether you were approved, or not, for your loan are long gone. Not only can you apply online for a loan, if you don’t...
5 Tips to Save Money for your Dream Home
Owning a home is one of the best investments that you can make. It’s also one of the most expensive investments. You really need to save money for it. And saving for a home requires dedication and commitment. You may need to make a few sacrifices too. Use these tips to help you save...