Category: Debt

  • How Debt Has Plagued Some of the World’s Biggest Musicians

    How Debt Has Plagued Some of the World’s Biggest Musicians

    We have all suffered from debt at some point in our lives – whether it be owing our parents a couple of hundred pound, credit card debt or even a mortgage. Debt can be difficult to deal with and it can cause further problems, such as tax issues. If people are in debt, they won’t…

  • Is Your Child Worried about Debt?

    Is Your Child Worried about Debt?

    It is only natural for adults to have financial concerns at some point in their lives, as we have so many bills and responsibilities. However, our money concerns may be having a significant impact on our children. According to the iGeneration Report, children as young as eight year olds are suffering from money worries, with…

  • How Debt and Housing Prices are Affecting Young People

    According to The Guardian, young people are struggling in today’s tough economy, as expensive housing and the rise in government debt is affecting their lifestyles. The Intergenerational Foundation (IF), a UK charity, has created the intergenerational fairness index, which compared the financial burden for young people to older workers, and found that it rose 133…

  • Is University Debt Worth it?

    Is University Debt Worth it?

    Unfortunately, a university education does not guarantee that a student will walk away with their job of their dreams – which can often lead to much regret about taking a course in the first place. So, the question is: is expensive university debt really worth it? Granted, there is no guarantee you’ll walk away with…

  • How to Improve Your Family’s Financial Stability

    Financial stresses can take a toll on family life, and it can sometimes feel like an uphill struggle when trying to raise a family. However, there are ways you can improve your financial future by just making a few changes. Talk to Someone Don’t be afraid to speak out about your financial problems. Children need…

  • How to Save Money on Household Bills

    A new report by the Children’s Society and Step Change has found that nearly 2.5 million UK families are struggling with debt. As a result, many households are being forced to take out loans to pay for household basics, such as food, clothing and shelter. When a family takes out a loan to pay for…